Tag Archive for seville

Il Movimento15-M a Siviglia

Il movimento “15-M” è un movimento di protesta nato dalla convocazione della piattaforma “Democracia Real Ya” (DRY). Tale movimento ha preso vita nella capitale andalusa mercoledì 18 maggio 2011, quando circa 1.000 persone si sono riunite in una delle piazze centrali della città, la Plaza de La Encarnación, dopo aver diffuso l’avviso in modo massivo attraverso diverse reti sociali. Nel tardo pomeriggio circa 200 manifestanti hanno deciso di montare un accampamento per passare la notte nella piazza, in segno di appoggio alla protesta. Nei giorni seguenti, tanto il numero degli “accampati” quanto quello dei manifestanti che si sono uniti alla protesta è arrivato a triplicarsi.

Come a Madrid e in numerose altre città spagnole, la concentrazione sivigliana ha deciso di continuare la protesta nonostante la decisione presa venerdì scorso dalla Giunta Elettorale Generale di proibire le manifestazioni durante la giornata di riflessione e il giorno delle elezioni, riunendo più di 10.000 persone nelle manifestazioni convocate lo scorso fine settimana.

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Le Mouvement 15M á Sevilla

Le   15M est un mouvement massif de proteste citadine du peuple espagnol qui  est apparu à partir de la plate-form “MOUVEMENT 15-M” qui vient de s´organiser à Sevilla, la capitale de l´Andalousie le mercredi 18 mai 2011, où presque 1000 citadins sevillians  se sont reunis à la centrique place de La Encarnación (un endroit connu populairement comme “las Setas”, -les Champignons-) grâce aux  convocatoires massives des diferentes  réseaux sociales utillisées  voie Internet.  Le soir de ce jour-là 200 jeunes manifestants décident installer un campement pour passer la nuit à la place et appuyer la proteste. Peu à peu les campeurs finisssent par se triplier.

De la même manière qu`a Madrid et des nombreuses villes espagnoles, la concentration sevilliane decida poursuivre la proteste malgré l ´ârret de la “Junta Electoral” (organisme responsable de l´organisation des elections municipales célébrées le 24 mai dernier) qui interdit formellement  toute sorte de concentrations pendant la jounée de réflexion de la veille, et le jour des elections.  Nôtre mouvement a réussi réunir en manifestations et des assamblées citadines plus de 10.000 personnes même le dimanche de la journée electorale.
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Protestcamp in Sevilla – 15. Mai Bewegung

Die Protestbewegungen unter dem Motto “Wahre Demokratie jetzt!” haben den Süden Spaniens erreicht: Am Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2011, versammelten sich spontan ca. 1.000 Personen auf dem Platz der Encarnación, nach einem Aufruf auf verschiedenen Social Networks. Im Anschluss beschlossen etwa 200 Demonstranten ein Protescamp zu errichten und auf dem Platz zu übernachten.
Bis zum heutigen Tag haben sich die Teilnehmer sowohl der Versammlungen als des Protestcamps verdreifacht.

Wie auch in Madrid und anderen Städten Spaniens entschlossen sich die Demonstranten trotz Demonstrationsverbot am Vortag der Wahlen mit den Protesten fortzufahren, es fanden sich
ca. 8.000 Demonstranten zusammen.

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The 15th of May Movement in Seville

The 15-M movement is a protest movement that arose starting with the convening of the Real Democracy Now platform and was forged in the Andalusian capital on May 18th, 2011, when around 1,000 people gathered in centrally situated Encarnacion square, after the announcement spread massively through the social networks. At the end of the afternoon, about 200 protesters decided to set up a camp to stay the night in the square to support the demonstration. Day by day the number of campers and protesters that meet in the square has tripled.

In Seville, as in Madrid, and numerous other Spanish cities the gathering decided to continue the protest in spite of the Electoral Committee’s decision on Friday to prohibit the rallies for the official day of reflection, as well as election day, bringing together more than 10,000 people for the demonstrations that were called for last weekend.

Following the camp model set up in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol, a camp was established in Seville this past Wednesday, May 18th. In the heart of this structure a communications commission can be found from which information is disseminated to the various social networks, the press, and other camps around the country. Work groups are in charge of communicating the supply needs of the camp to the outside world in real time, informing people, communicating with those who live in and around the square, as well as with shops and bars in the vicinity.  Political parties, associations, and non-governmental organizations are absent and the large majority of the protesters has joined the group spontaneously and of its own initiative, without direction from any type of institution.

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